
2025 shipment arriving soon. Feb.

Totilas IS available from Schockemoehle’s, with conditions; NO ICSI allowed</blockquote BY YOUR PURCHASE of the insemination dose of this stallion you hereby agree that it will not be resold, divided, or in any way used for ICSI, IVF or multiple breedings

Out of stock


We were terribly saddened to learn of the passing of this great stallion Totilas, December 14,2020.
Totilas  changed the world of dressage sport. This stallion set record after record in quick-fire succession. He had broken the world record three times – in 2009 at the European Championship with 90.75 % in the freestyle class, in London with 92.3 % and at the CHIO Aachen 2010 with 86.45% in the Grand Prix Special, where he was awarded the perfect score of 10.0 a total of 28 times. Within the space of only two years, this exceptional stallion has won all the titles there are to win. He won two individual World Championship titles in Kentucky, he was European Champion at Windsor, World Cup winner in 2010 and he won the Dutch Championship twice. He also won team gold medals at the European Championship as well as the World Championship.

No other dressage horse has ever electrified spectators in the way that Totilas did.

Totilas’ sire, Gribaldi, also competed successfully at international level with Edward Gal. He was Trakehner champion stallion and Trakehner stallion of the Year in 2008.

Gribaldi has consistently produced top-class horses such as World Cup winner IPS Painted Black/Anky van Grunsven, Grand Prix winner Sisther de Jeu/Edward Gal, Peter Pan/Beatriz Ferrer-Salat, BMC Pasternak/Coby van Baalen and Zardin Firfod/Patrick Kittel. Eight-times advanced dressage class winner Girasol, ridden by Nadine Capellmann, is one of the biggest young Grand Prix hopefuls and approved stallion Unee came second in the Nuremberg Burgpokal in 2010.

Totilas’ dam has produced one intermediate and one advanced level dressage horse and Totilas’ full sister, Uusminka, is also in training at Edward Gal’s yard. Granddam Elsa produced the advanced dressage horses Talan and Uljanoff. The dam line, which includes a lot of Holstein blood, has produced numerous approved stallions such as Guiminko, Olympic W, Vindicator, Try Time, Racketeer, Amingo and many successful competition horses.

Additional information

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Single Dose (1), Double Dose (2)

Stallion Totilas

Stallion TotilasPhoto by Ken Braddick

Stallion Totilas

Stallion Totilas

Three-Times World Champion • Triple World Record Holder

KWPN • Black • 2000 • 170 cm

Approved for KWPN, Oldenburg, Hanover, Mecklenburg, Westphalia, Rhineland, South German Stud Books, France


Gribaldi Kostolany Enrico Caruso
Gondola II Ibikus
Gloria VI
Lominka Glendale Nimmerdor
Elsa Akteur

Prices shown are PER frozen horse semen insemination dose. A $75 processing fee, as well as shipping charges, will be added to each order. Prices are subject to change. We have the right to refuse service. All sales are final upon delivery. In purchasing from our website, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.

Yancey Farms is a frozen horse semen import service. Yancey Farms makes no claims as to the availability, fertility, viability, or freedom of disease of horse semen. There is no breeding contract or live foal guarantee.

We maintain substantial inventory and can usually ship from one day to the next.

If you prefer not to order your frozen semen online you can simply download our order form and pay by check.

You can return the order form by either:

  1. Scanning it and emailing it to Judy and then sending a check.
  2. Mailing the order form in with your payment.

Once we receive your payment, your shipment will be sent.

Please make checks payable to JUDY YANCEY and mail them to:
163 Valentine Hill Lane • Fredericksburg, TX 78624
